Dear Fellow PSK Contester,
The European PSK Club has the honour to invite radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the CIS DX QPSK63 Contest 2011. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in the Commonwealth of Independent States by using the QPSK63 mode. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional organization whose participating countries are former Soviet Republics, formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit. The CIS DX PSK Contest is held every year on the third weekend of September. This year it starts at 12:00 UTC on Saturday 17th September, 2011 and ends at 12:00 UTC on Sunday 18th September, 2011. The rules and other information can be found at the contest website. Second year it is strictly QPSK63 contest, no other modes are allowed.
Every participant should send a correct RSQ report and his/her four-digit DXDA number. An example of an exchange for W6EPC from the State of California is 599 2053. Maritime and aircraft mobile stations should send an RSQ report and four zeros, such as 599 0000. You can find your correct DXDA number at the corresponding list. The maximum output power is 100 watts. Recommended frequencies are: 160 meters (1.838 – 1.840 MHz), 80 meters (3.582 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.072 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.072 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.072 – 28.080 MHz). All the very best and see you all in the CIS DX QPSK63 Contest 2011! CIS DX QPSK Contest Committee
www.cisdx.srars.org Cabrillo QSO template
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